Our mission is to provide reliable Accounting, Income Tax & Payroll services for small to medium businesses, individuals and self-employed. Our Goal is partnering with our clients to provide better service and build our community.
We will organize your accounts, record your income, itemize your expenses & provide you with clear reports to help you keep track of your business revenue and expenses.
Payroll Administration
- Paystubs; T4s, T4As, ROEs, Remittances.
GST/HST-Filing; WSIB; NR-4; EHT-Return
The GST/HST is a tax structure that will allow most businesses and individuals (Self-employed) to claim input tax credits (ITC) on GST/ HST received.
We assist business and individuals in the compilation, preparation and filing of GST/HST returns and other government remittances.
- Personal Tax
- Business/Corporate Tax
- Self-Employment Tax
Business Advisory
- Registration-Incorporation
- Business Plan/Business Loan Advisory
- NTR- Notice to Reader
MicroFina-B2B Advisory
- Immigration Advisory
- Investment Management /Real Estate Development
- Mortgage Advisory